Things started out well, I won a couple of double ups but it was when I put my money in bad and hit a miracle turn or river. If i recall right it happened twice though I can't find it on my PT so heh. I did manage to make some unbelievably ridiculous plays which lost me a fair chunk though, as you can see by the graph. All of those large drops (except for 2) were due to stupid moves and so-called reads. The problem was if i went with a read on one hand and lost my stack, i didn't *feel* tilted but would proceed to make a stupid play and lose another stack.
Also I've found that after doubling up or winning a substantial pot, I would tend to lose it back and then some. I don't recall it being due to overplaying or anything, but definitely it wasn't entirely down to bad luck. This occured fairly often so much so that today after doubling up at a nice table with my turned straight, I decided to let the blinds pass one more time then leave. Not sure if this is the right move, I mean, on the one hand I'm very happy to take the money but on the other hand, I know a lot of people suggest staying on to get on a heater. I think for now Ill stick with the earlier strategy as I don't think I'm very comfortable playing as a big stack yet.
Interesting thing about my table selection. I tend to pick tables based on average pot but after a recent losing session I'm beginning to consider if it's a good thing. This particular table had a raise to $0.08 seemingly every hand and tons of cold callers. I know all the pros say these are the tables you want to be at but I think I play scared a bit with not wanting to call these raises with anything less than say, QQ. I always fear my AJ+ being dominated and I guess I'm just uncomfortable playing big pots in general. I probably wouldn't be if I had $50 in the bankroll, but with a little over $3 I guess it's natural. Tight is right for now.
Oh I also started multi tabling. Well, I don't know if you call 2 tables really multi tabling but after struggling with it the first time because I found it really hard to get a read on people or understand their betting patterns and thus many of those suicidal drops in the graph was I think partially due to that. I think i'm starting to get used to it now though, it definitely helps me stay tight (<20% VPIP) as I don't go limp just cuz i'm bored and want to see a flop.
Finally, some interesting hands which I remember
One of my so-called reads. Villain was playing so fishy 72/25/2.1 and was calling down to the river with bottom pair. Looking back, I guess it was kind of stupid of me to try and bluff him out here as he had a high propensity for calling but I can't help wondering what he would have done if the J didn't hit on the river. Whatever the case, I'm not making excuses here. Terrible play and was probably done cuz I was a little on tilt or just wanted to make a hero move.
The more I see this hand, the more I cringe at the fold. I remember why I did though, villain hadn't demonstrated a propensity to pull off such an audacious bluff and I honestly thought he had a 9 to have me beat. I'm not sure why I just called the flop and that's where the mistake probably was - definitely should have raised it. This is one of those instances where I had just won a nice big pot to get to $2.68 then proceeded to spew half of it away in one hand. I'm not sure what villain was thinking chasing the gutshot like that, and if he called a flop bet would he do the same thing? I thought I was demonstrating enough strength to get him to lay it down but apparrently not. Sigh..
I really really should have gotten away from this hand after getting raised here. Villain was 15/7/0.67 and I had stollen a few pots off him by calling his raises then betting out when a J high flop hit the board and I had absolute trash. Only when I reraised did I consider maybe he had Kings but that should have been out of the question because he would definitely reraise me preflop. Lesson learnt though, need to pay more attention to the PT stats.
At least I had a very well played hand here. Lucky a bit in the sense that he hit his two pair but I feel my bet at the end there of just $0.30 forced him to reraise me. Not sure if he would have made the call if i had just went all in there when the Q hit and instead decided to make the Q seem like a scare card. Nice! Very happy with the way I played this hand.
Finally, a nice bluff. I'm not saying I played this hand perfectly, but I just love it when a river bluff comes off. Just limping in on the button here is a bit suspect, but a good bet out on the flop and I represent either the flush or the K. To be fair, the only reason I bet this flop was because I had the Ac. Felt a tinge of concern when i got called but when he minbet the turn i was back to feeling confident. There was no way a made flush is going to minbet this turn right here. Either check it or bet larger. When the river comes and I blank, I dont know but I just feel I cant take this away and even the pair K I represent is good enough. After I bet i actually didn't think I bet enough but was so happy to see the fold! I didn't really have any stats on the villain and just played on instinct and betting patterns. Thank god it worked out.
- Starting bankroll: $3.39
- Ending bankroll: $3.20
- Gain: -$0.19
- Hoping for a more profitable week ahead and aiming to get it to $5
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