Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Post

Ok, first post. See if I can make this happen. Starting with a measly $2 and something can't remember. Tried to do the super tight shortstack strategy at 0.05/0.10 since those were the lowest tables offered. If I remember right, managed to double up twice and got the roll up to $5. Feeling good.

Next day, there was an update to FTP and now with micro limit tables. Cool, but decided to continue with the 0.05/0.10 game and was card dead the whole session and when i did get cards, people folded to my raise (huge flaw in shortstack strategy). So decided to move down, accidentally played in a 0.01/0.02 PL game instead of NL and ended up donking off 2 buyins (I buyin with $1 at this level). Lost a bit more and ended up with $2.46.

(This all happened over the past 2 days so can't really give specifics)

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