- Need to work on cash game, since I am more of a tournament player need to loosen up a bit
- Not sure if it was just the people at my table (prob not) but many people like to limp with any 2 suited cards
- Standard 3BB or 4BB raises aren't respected... well, at least mine weren't
- Players aren't as bad as people say they are at this limit. Managed to pull off a few bluffs (not too many) at times.
The raiser was raising a lot preflop (I think stat was 20% PFR) and had done so the whole time I was there. Since I was in position decided to call. Flop wasn't terrible, but kind of scared of AJ or AQ so just a call. Turn brought my two pair, and he put me all-in. Thought about it for a sec, hoped he didn't have AK and made the call for him to show down 9Ts. Have to admit I was a bit surprised as all the raises he showed were pocket pairs or premiums but was a good first double up.
Standard limp preflop I think. Not sure why I just call on the flop, maybe I should have raised. I think the reason I called was because I thought he was trying to steal the pot and I had outs with the gutshot and just wanted to see the next card really. Did not like the turn card at all. Interesting that the turn was checked round despite me not showing much strength, and he called my bet. Would he have risked a diamond landing on the river if I checked it? The bet on the river here just seems so suspicious, it's so small ($0.24 into $0.68). I thought about it for a second, and put him maybe on 89 or 9T and folded. Not sure if the bet on the river was for value or whether it was defensive. I would think the strength I showed on the turn would make him bet at least half pot
The story here is on the flop. I was happy I was in position and it was a decent flop (AK was bad for me the whole session). I thought the raise here would win it and was surprised when he went all in. He couldn't have pocket Aces here, I thought maybe pocket 8s or pocket 10s (8s maybe more likely since no preflop raise) or a lucky ass AT. At the time it took me a while to fold but looking back at it now i think it was a good fold. I showed strength preflop, practically told everyone I hit the A on the flop and still got reraised. Was probably beat here.
- Starting bankroll: 2.46
- Ending Bankroll: 3.47
- Gain: +1.01
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