So, the first week back to grinding the micros. How did it go? Well, you be the judge.
You could say I've had a good first week. Or rather a GREAT first week haha. Really didn't expect to be able to pull out a $50 win so soon. And that stuff about being ecstatic with 5bb/100? Well screw that! I'm currently running at 22.85bb/100 which is sustainable at these stakes if my further research hasn't failed me. Keeping things on the level though, it is only my first week so I could be on a heater but I'm not so sure I believe that myself as I've definitely experienced some pretty drastic (at least to me) swings. Here's the graph:
As you can see, I've definitely not had a nice fairytale exponential graph. In fact, I've pretty much had two breakeven periods back-to-back between hands 5286 - 7399 and hands 7964 -10629. That second breakeven period has a suicide drop of about $14 which I ran pretty bad. Really it was split over 2 sessions - the -$7.26 on the 5th and the first half of the next session on the 6th where I somehow managed to end up $2.91.
About standard I guess, no epic coolers or anything just typical overpairs running into sets, AA getting run down, running QQ into bigger pairs twice. There were a few spots which I should have known better than shoving preflop after getting 3bet but I only noticed their really low 3bet stat after going all-in. D'oh! Needless to say that included shoving 55 into a loose villain's JJ. The worse thing about this period though was that when I did win an all-in it usually was for a half-stack compared to when I lost, where I would stack off 100bb's. Damn you shortstackers.
Of course I guess that was just payback for the 10 buy-in session I had on the 2nd ending up $20.21 and thus up $27.87 on the day. I really can't remember too much about that day I just remember that everything was going right during that session. Whenever I had a big hand people really would seem to play back at me drawing really thin. Checking HEM now, there were 3 times I got my money in with 100% equity and 14 times I got it in with more than 75% equity, losing just once. Not much I can say about it I guess, just 3 words - run. like. GOD.
In other poker-related money-making news, I recieved my first rakeback payment this week of $3.02. Yeah not much, but really it's a buy-in and a half so I'm not complaining. I'm still a bit confuseD about the payment schedule for rakeback because on raketracker's forum the guy mentioned that FTP was now paying rakeback directly instead of through affiliates but I got this payment from them not FTP so whatever.
Also, and this is much bigger news, I managed to clear 2 levels of my 100% deposit bonus for a grand total of $12.39 woohoo! I think I clear a level about every 3 days so I'm expecting to clear another $12.39 this week which would be totally awesome as it's way faster than I initially thought I would be able to clear it. Definitely goes a long way towards building the roll for moving up. Yes, I am already realistically starting to think about moving up. I imagine I could hit $150 this week, which would give me the required 30 buyin minimum and honestly can't wait.
So, plans for next week. Gonna start my week of early tomorrow seeing as I have dinner plans and so hoping to wake up at 9 to catch as much of the Triple Points Happy Hour as possible. Also, I've been trying to complete the Phil Gordon 5 Common Hold-Em Leaks challenge as many times as possible to gain Academy Credits, which are essentially 1-for-1 Full Tilt Points (they can be exchanged at 5000 credits). Not sure why I want the points but really there's nothing in the Academy Store that particularly interests me so why not. I think I've completed the challenge 3 times already and there's a max of 10 times so we'll see how it goes.
Finally, not many interesting hands or whatever that I can remember so I can post up. Was supposed to do a session review today but was just way too tired after football. I think I will probably do a midweek post from now on so some things are still fresh in my mind. It will be more of general observations, hands or interesting things rather than a bankroll update. I do know there were some things I noticed at 2nl which I wanted to post earlier in the week but have since forgotten them. Maybe I should start taking paper notes during the week? Anywyay good first week, bring on the second.
- Starting bankroll: $61.96
- Ending bankroll: $127.06
- Gain: $65.10
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